Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I am a Siggy Addict!

I happen to LOVE SIGGIES..

What is a siggy?
Siggies are more properly known as Signatures. They are made by people who know how to use tubes or scrapbook kits and make them into beautiful little images or graphics which display your name and sometimes even pictures of your family.

Here is an example of one I was given recently!

This was made for me by a friend of mine named Marcy! 
She does amazing work! She designs siggies in a group on Cafemom called A Siggy Piggy 

Feel free to click either link to learn more.. Cafemom is an entire site for women. 
A Siggy Piggy is A Group on Cafemom.

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I am writing today to share with you a blog I LOVE!

Please go visit this site! 

I was so blessed by this blog that What ever small readership I have.. I am begging you to please go visit this site!

The author of this site is AMAZING!

I am going to take a bit of liberty and share just a blurb from one of her post's..

 God has given you control (authority)
God has given you authority over your own spirit, soul & body--not over other people.
Gen. 1:26, 29 given you dominion and seed
Mt. 16:19 I will give you the keys, authority to loose or bind
loose - what you allow will be allowed
bind - what you don´t allow won´t be allowed
Comptons - "Binding and loosing is a Hebrew idiom for exercising authority. To bind - to declare what shall be binding and what shall not be binding."
Mt. 28:18 Authority transferred to us
Click below on the graphic.. To go to the rest of her post ...